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Tel: (856) 558-9610

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How do I place an order?

All orders are processed through our Online Store.  If you have any questions about your order, feel free to contact us using the information above.

Payment and Shipping

All Payments are done through Paypal or Money Order/Check,


Our mailing address is

2530 Newcombtown Road

Millville, NJ 08332


Shipping is done via USPS Priority Mail and is typically mailed out within 24 hours of your order. Shipments are done Monday through Friday only.

Satisfaction Guarantee 

We stand behind the statement that our rakes are simply the best you will find.  If you are not satisfied with your purchase, the rake can be returned for a full refund on the purchase price. All items returned must be in new, resellable condition.


All Rakes are guaranteed to be free of defects under normal use for one year from the date of purchase. If a weld or tooth should break, please contact us and we will make arrangements to either repair or replace the item.

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